Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Thoughts on this life

Well, I'm starting yet another blog. Let's hope I stick with this one. I get bored with my posts (and I figured others are too) so I stop writing. I don't really have any thing of importance to say most of the time. Just my thoughts on certain subjects. And one subject that has been heavy on my heart is how important it is for Christian's to live like they really are a Christian - cause nonbelievers are watching us. Sometimes we're the only Bible they will ever 'read.' Yet I see too many who claim to be a Christian living like the rest of the world: drinking, living in anger and unforgiveness, living with someone they are not married to, doing drugs, listening to ungodly music. Will they be judged by God for living this way? I can't really answer that. I'm not God and I'm not trying to pass judgment. I just want to see people be saved. And they won't be if we say one thing and yet live another way. They only see us as hypocrites and not what we claim to be at all.

I know God has been dealing with me about the sins in my life. It's basically a form of unbelief to say we are believers and yet don't believe Him enough to follow what His Word says to do and not do. And I have enough reverential fear of God to listen to what He says and obey Him. God means what He says. Yes, He is a God of mercy and is slow to anger. But I sure don't want to push Him. I want to be the one who has a heart that wants to please Him. And to point others to Him and I can't do that as long as I am living in disobedience to what His Word says.

Another thought on the subject: living in disobedience opens the door to the enemy to pretty much do what he will. Also, living in disobedience will not bring peace in our lives. Or joy. Or victory.'s time (past time) to get right with God and do what He says. Even if it's easier to not do what He says. Cause in the long run - it won't be.